Be it a small home gym or a professional fitness studio, we can’t think of a gym without mirrors. Mighty wall mirrors are installed in the walls of professional gyms. The installation of giant wall mirrors requires some professional gear and expertise. However, when it comes to the personal home gym, the question arises; whether it’s possible to DIY install the gym mirror, or must we hire professionals for the deed?
Contrary to professional gyms, home gyms don’t require mighty gym wall mirrors. A single full length wall mirror works perfectly well in improving workout sessions. When the size of the mirror is downplayed, handling the mirror becomes easier and it becomes possible to DIY install the gym mirror. Let’s have a look at the DIY guide for installing the gym mirror in your home today. Follow through to adorn your home gym with full-length mirrors.
Why Install Gym Mirrors?
Before diving into the DIY guide, let’s first clear some concepts. Why is it necessary to install the mirrors in the home gym? Can’t we do the daily workout in a mirrorless gym?
Well, you can surely do the daily workout without mirrors. However, it won’t be effective. You need gym wall mirrors to analyze your workout sessions. You can only point out your mistakes if you monitor yourself. A wall mirror becomes even more important in the home gym. Because you don’t have an instructor to track your progress. You are your own trainer in this case. With gym wall mirrors, you can keep an eye on your progress and improve your moves. Therefore, ditching a wall mirror in the gym is actually a huge setback for the fitness routine.
DIY Guide for Gym Mirror Installation
Now that we are clear about the importance of installing a gym wall mirror in the home gym, let’s move on to the DIY guide.
Make sure to buy gym mirrors according to your home gym dimensions. For this purpose, take the measurements of the gym walls and note the readings. You can go for full wall coverage or choose the optimum mirror length according to your own height. As you are buying a mirror for your personal gym, you can go for all-out personalization. Professional gym owners, however, cannot choose the gym wall mirrors according to their height because they have to accommodate people of different heights and build.
Buy gym mirrors that go exactly with the home gym dimensions and go on with the installation process. The gym mirror, nowadays, also comes with installation hardware and instructions to make the installation process convenient. Even if the installation kit is not available, you can install the mirror on the gym wall easily.
Supplies Needed
Here is the list of supplies you will need to install the gym wall mirror.
- Mirror
- Mirror Clips
- Measuring Tape
- Level
- Drill Machine and Drill Bits
- Marking Pencil
- Screws
DIY Gym Mirror Installation Steps
This is a very basic and simplest method of installing gym mirrors. So it is applicable to any gym mirror installation.
- First, determine where you want to install the mirror on the wall. Take the measuring tape and measure from the floor up. Decide the position of your mirror and mark the points on the wall with a pencil. The bottom of the gym wall mirrors should typically be 1 to 2 feet high from the floor. The top should be set so as to provide a full-body reflection.
- Now measure the width of the mirror and mark it on the wall where the mirror clips are to be installed. The distance between the mirror clips can be 2 to 5 inches according to the mirror specifications. Mark mirror clip points on the top as well as the bottom.
- After marking the mirror clip points, take the drilling machine and drill holes in the marked points for the top and bottom mirror clips.
- Screw the mirror clips into the wall.
- Take the mirror and insert it into the bottom mirror clips. Now slide the top mirror clips down to lock the mirror in its position. Be gentle in this step to avoid chipping the corners of the mirror.
- The mirror is set in position. You can add frames if you want to or just adorn the sides with some exquisite LED lighting. The gym wall mirror is fixed on the wall with all its glory now it’s your turn to make use of it.
Final Words
Doing it yourself is a useful trend. It empowers you to believe in your own skillset. You can improve your abilities through DIY projects. Installing the gym mirror on your own is one of the many ways to polish your talents. You can conveniently set up a fully functional home gym with a proper instruction set and simple everyday tools. Carefully buy gym mirrors, install them on your own, set up the home gym, and achieve your fitness goals at home.