Bulletproof Glass

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How does Bullet Resistant Glass Work?

Bulletproof glass has a very unique structure. It consists of multiple glass panels. A polycarbonate sheet separates these glass panels from each other. Some high-intensity ballistic glass can have multiple polycarbonate sheets incorporated into their structure. Due to this complex structure, bullet resistant glass can resist bullet attacks to a great extent.

How does Bullet Resistant Glass Work

Available Colors Options of Bulletproof Glass

Clear Bullet Proof Glass

Clear Bullet Proof Glass

Tint Grey Bullet Proof Glass

Tint Grey Bullet Proof Glass

Tint Bronze Bullet Proof Glass

Tint Bronze Bullet Proof Glass

Difference between Bullet Resistant and Bulletproof Glass
Is Bulletproof Glass and Bullet Resistant the same?

Technically bulletproof glass and bullet resistant glass aren’t the same. A bulletproof glass has various levels of protection. These protection levels are defined as level 1, level 2 etc. A level 1 bullet proof glass can withstand the impact of handguns.
Whereas, the level 4 bulletproof glass can handle the impact of a rifle bullet. On the other hand, bullet resistant glass doesn’t have such defined protection levels. It’s designed to resist bullet impacts to an extent.

Bullet Resistant Glass Applications

Bullet resistant glass has become a need of various commercial properties. Here are some applications of bullet resistant glass.

Schools & Universities

Schools & Universities

Bullet resistant glass is a perfect add-on for educational institutes. Their bullet resistant characteristics and longer life span ensure that everyone remains safe and protected within the institute’s premises.

Windows & Doors

Windows & Doors

Bulletproof glass is also widely used in windows & doors of residential and commercial properties. This helps ensure the maximum safety and security of occupants.



Bank windows and teller windows need optimum protection. Therefore, opting for a bullet resistant glass helps enhance the security of banks.

Retail Stores

Retail Stores

Retail stores such as jewelry and electronic shops can also be vulnerable to burglars. Quality bullet resistant glass is the right solution to this problem. It protects the retail store from bullet impacts.

Government Offices

Government Offices

Bullet resistant glass is the perfect safety glass for government offices and political organizations. In fact, in some states, bullet proof glass has become a necessity for government offices.



Bulletproof vehicles are no short of any introduction. Any high-profile identity who has severe threats can opt for a bulletproof vehicle. Convert your standard vehicle into a bulletproof one by choosing custom cut bullet proof glass from Glass Genius.



Hospitals, pharmacies, and health care centers can also choose bullet resistant glass for that unmatched safety and protection.


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